For the first year I had a weekly instructor practice sessions and borrowed a gun, number 13, from the Gun Room at Bisley. The office staff and the instructors always made sure that it was available to me, and I became very familiar with the feel of the gun. After a year some of the instructors encouraged me to start shooting at other Grounds as well as Bisley Shooting Ground to get used to shooting with other people and seeing how other targets were set up. To do that I would need to have my own shotgun licence and gun.
Being a young shooter has the advantage of milestone birthdays which lend themselves to great birthday presents! Fortunately the conversation about me owning my own gun started as I had a milestone birthday approaching and a gun became the obvious birthday present to ask for as I became a teenager!
My parents were complete novices about shooting and were learning about the sport and everything that I needed as we went along, so they had no idea whether it was a good idea or where to even start. Talking to the Instructors at Bisley really helped. The advice that they gave was practical and realistic:
Before purchasing my first gun I needed to have a shotgun licence, and being a Junior one of my parents needed to have one too, so that my gun could be registered to them. We joined the CPSA as they provide shooting insurance, and they were really helpful in explaining the steps that we needed to follow, which are:
A shotgun licence is valid for five years and I renewed my licence at the beginning of this year (2022) and was interviewed by the same Firearms Officer – and it was great to be able to tell him how I was getting on and share my aspirations for shooting competitively.
Walking into the Gun shop to buy my first gun was like walking into an Aladdin’s Cave – there was so much to look at, such a variety of guns. Luckily, I had listened to the advice from my instructors and had my criteria list so I wasn’t too distracted. My list of must have was:
Chris Birkbeck helped me choose my first gun – a Browning 425 Grade 1. Having shot a Browning at Bisley for a year I felt very comfortable and confident with the manufacturer. It made perfect sense to purchase a secondhand gun for two reasons. Firstly I was growing and growing fast, so we knew that I would need to change guns in the future, and secondly William Evans, who are based next door to the Club House, let you try out secondhand guns on the shooting ground. So I could try guns with Chris and get advice from the instructors as to whether the gun was a good choice and fit for me. I tried three or four guns but kept coming back to the Browning 425 Grade 1 – it just felt right and fitted me well. The previous owner had been a lady who had a stock designed for her, which meant that the stock was chunkier and had a large palm swell – which helped with managing recoil from the cartridges I was using at the time with Chris.
What I hadn’t realised was that there were other items that I also needed as a gun owner:
Walking out of Williams Evans with my own gun was just an amazing feeling, I felt so grown up. My gun was packed away in a hard case and I had a gun bag to put the gun in when it was assembled. I went straight over to The Bothy and showed all the Instructors what I had bought, and booked a session for the very next day to start to get the feel of my first shotgun. Arriving the next morning for my lesson, Chris immediately walked into the Gun Room and came out with my hard case and handed it to me, and then helped me assemble my gun and transfer it to my gun slip. I’m not sure which of us had the biggest grin on our face! I felt so grown up walking to the first stand with my own gun on my shoulder, and calling “pull” and then pulling the trigger for the first pair of clays in that session was the most incredible feeling – a sense of calm and belonging mixed with excitement as I knew that there were so many more opportunities available to me now that I owned my own gun.
Being a Junior Member at Bisley meant that I benefited from free gun storage in the armoury, so I could leave my gun on site, and the team would always transport it across to the Shooting Ground in advance of my lessons, and often they assembled it for me too! The instructors were keen to ensure that I knew how to care for my gun and would spend time with me after my lesson watching how I cleaned it and giving me the confidence to learn how to break the gun down and take care of it.
Just over a year later, coinciding with my sister’s 18th birthday, I part-exchanged my Browning 425 for a brand new Browning 725 S2. I changed guns because in a year I had grown about five inches in height and the 425 no longer fitted me correctly. I was sad to say goodbye to my first gun but excited for the next stage of my owning a gun journey.
Ben Wells Blog - Part 4